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Midline Pierre - 1 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Midline Pierre

Place Carries Ouest Haiti

Ministry Teen Girls Home

Age 22

Midline’s mom died when she was very young. After her mom died she was living with her aunt next to the Orphanage. Ms Lynn would also see her hauling water and everyone time she saw Ms Lynn she had a big smile on her face.   She was very skinny, she was around 17 years old when we first saw her. Whenever Ms Lynn saw her she had so much compassion for her and Ms lynn said if she ever started a Girls home than she would take Midline to live in that home. Unfortunately Midline had a bad ear infection that was never treated and this caused her to not be able to hear at all.

When Grace Girl’s Home opened in 2015 Ms Lynn took her in and the change in her as been amazing. She now hears better and is in school for the first time in her life. She realizes that she has value and that she is loved so much not only by Mission of Grace but especially by her Heavenly Father. You can find Midline worshiping in church and loves to be involved in the bibles studies and other church events.